During this short, initial phase you will be eating a diet composed mostly of organic low-starch vegetables, combined with a detoxifying drink and some supplements to support your detox pathways. It is quite restrictive, but this stage only lasts for three to seven days.
Here are some key points about the foods, drinks, and supplements that you will need for this first stage of your fungus treatment plan.
Eat a diet of mostly organic, low-starch vegetables
This simple diet is designed to give your digestive system and detox pathways a chance to recover. Added sugars are eliminated from your diet at this stage. Proteins like meat and fish tend to be acidifying and slow down bowel transit time, so they are eliminated too. This is quite a strict diet, but it only lasts for a week, at most
Avoid meat and fish during this phase
Protein-rich foods tend to be acidifying, slow down bowel transit time, and also make it harder for the body to flush out toxins. Try to avoid them for now.
If you feel like you need some protein sources during this phase, eat eggs instead
Drink the Detoxifier drink
This drink contains filtered water, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and cayenne pepper. You can drink it up to 3 times each day. It will help your body to process and expel toxins, improve circulation, and promote regular bowel movements
Drink lots of water
This is the single most important thing you can do to aid toxin elimination from your body. It’s easy to determine if you are drinking enough water -just check the color of your urine. If it’s not clear, you are probably dehydrated
Although note that multivitamins and Vitamin B supplements can also have this effect
Take a supplement to support your liver
At this stage, it is helpful to start taking at least one detoxing supplement. There are liver-supportive supplements like milk thistle that will help your body to process toxins, and there are toxin binders like chlorella that will attach themselves to toxins and remove them directly. Each of these supplements should help to improve your detox pathways, improve elimination, and reduce symptoms
Follow this detox plan for 3-7 days
This is a short period of time, and it should be reasonably easy to follow the diet. If you find that you are really struggling, or want to cut it down to 3 days instead of 7, you can certainly shorten this part of the plan
This is the first part of your fungus treatment plan, the stage where you go through a detoxification process that prepares your body to fight off your feminine issues
Essentially, the detox is a very healthy, but strict, colon cleansing diet. The focus is on flushing out your colon and expelling as many of the fungus cells as possible. The right diet will also give organs like your liver and kidneys a chance to recover by eliminating the toxins in your intestines and relieving any constipation that you might be experiencing.
In this section, you will see a number of meal and vegetable suggestions that you should focus on as your primary foods during your cleanse. You will also find recipes for beverages you can make at home to enable a more effective detox. Lastly, we will suggest some additional ways in which you can improve your detox, including infrared and dry saunas and appropriate types of exercise.