A Summary Of The Anti-Fungal Diet

In the second phase of your Fungus treatment plan, and now that you have completed the initial detox, you can move on to the main, longer-term anti-fungal diet. This includes a much broader range of foods and drinks than the first stage.

Here are a few key points that you should keep in mind during this phase of your Fungus treatment. We will be going through these in lots of detail throughout this section of the plan.

Start the Anti-Fungal Diet
This is a nutritive, low-inflammatory diet based largely around non-starchy vegetables and whole, unprocessed foods. It is high in fiber but contains smaller amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates. You will be following this diet until Phase Five of the program when you start reintroducing some foods.

Drink lots of water
You don’t need to continue drinking the Detoxifier drink from Phase One, but you should still drink lots of water. Now you can introduce more some warm drinks too, like herbal teas or chicory coffee.

Buy high-quality foods
Try to purchase the best quality foods that you can. We understand that not everyone’s budget will stretch to a fully organic diet, but there are still some easy improvements that you can make. Buying local, seasonal vegetables, then washing them well, will ensure that you get the maximum nutritional value from your food. Also consider buying meat and fish from your local butcher and fishmonger, instead of the supermarket.

Add some fermented foods
Now is a good time to introduce one or two fermented foods. You will also be introducing more of these in the next phase of the plan. Good examples to introduce now might be kefir, sauerkraut, or probiotic yogurt.