You’ve finished the detox and moved on to a healthy, balanced, anti-fungal diet. The next item to introduce is probiotics.
You can add these in supplement form and ideally in your diet too, through foods like kefir, yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut. This is also a good time to consider some supplements or foods to repair your gut. Chronic, long-term cases of intestinal Fungus overgrowth can damage the intestinal membrane. Adding some support at this stage can help to repair the damage. Here are the key points to understand about Phase Three.
Add some probiotic foods
Now is a good time to introduce some more probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi to your diet. It’s always best to make your own. If you buy them from a store, check for added ingredients and make sure they contain live probiotic cultures.
Continue the Anti-Fungal Die
A nutritive, non-inflammatory diet is just what your gut and body need right now, especially as you are introducing probiotics to your regimen. Maintaining the same diet (except for the addition of more probiotic foods) will enable you to easily identify any changed symptoms resulting from the probiotics.
Consider adding some gut-reparative agents
Longstanding cases of intestinal Fungus overgrowth can lead to weakened intestinal walls and Leaky Gut Syndrome. There are some excellent foods and supplements that you can take to repair those intestinal walls. If you want to try these, now is a good time to introduce them. Examples include marshmallow root, cabbage juice, and glutamine.