Here’s an important tip for those preparing foods and storing them for the next day or cooking batches of food for the whole week.
It is best to freeze your food after cooking it, rather than storing it in the refrigerator after cooking. Molds grow quite quickly in refrigerators and even just 12-18 hours is enough time for some foods to grow trace amounts of mold. At this point, the mold is rarely visible to the naked eye, but it is there. By freezing cooked food, you will be sure to avoid any such problem. While it will take a little longer to reheat your food the next day, you certainly don’t want this small yet important fact to get in the way of your progress. When in doubt, just freeze it!
Before beginning your anti-fungal diet, it would also be a wise idea to do a good cleaning and disinfecting of your refrigerator. This also applies to the cupboards where you will be storing your anti-fungal diet foods, if at all possible. While this will not completely eliminate all mold spores (every time you open the fridge door, floating spores might enter your fridge), it will bring the spore count down considerably. This will further minimize any exposure you could have through food that is stored in your fridge. Buying your produce several times weekly, and using your fruits and vegetables quickly, will also reduce the likelihood of any non-visible mold starting to grow on any of these food items. Eating your food when it’s fresh will also guarantee that you enjoy the maximum nutritional benefits.