Cooking Ingredients During Your Detox

Herbs and Spices

The diet during this phase of your fungus treatment plan certainly does not need to be bland, and it’s quite easy to liven up your meals. You can do this by adding chilies, herbs, and spices to your recipes, as well as regular seasonings like salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Herbs and spices, in addition to the lively flavors they impart to your meal, are a wonderful way to get additional antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and important plant compounds called phytonutrients in your diet while it is so restricted.

In fact, many herbs and spices may even have anti-fungal properties, such as garlic, cayenne, and cinnamon! When you cook foods, use virgin coconut oil (this is also a great antifungal}, virgin grapeseed oil, or virgin olive oil. These are also great for salad dressings.