Preparing For The Anti-Fungal Diet

While you’re still in the Detox (Phase One), you can start thinking about what you need for the Anti-Fungal Diet (Phase Two). Make it easier on yourself by purchasing lots of herbs and spices to cook with, as well as some chicory coffee or herbal teas to help you cut down on your usual caffeinated drinks.

Remember, by planning ahead, you won’t find yourself in a ‘bind’ without anything to eat or to substitute for your old, Fungus-promoting, favorite foods and drinks. You should also continue taking your detox supplements to reduce the chance of experiencing Fungal Die-Off.

Here are a few helpful tips to aid your preparation:

1. Stock up with lots of organic, low-starch vegetables (either fresh or frozen), small amounts of meats and non-glutenous grains.

2. Consider buying or making some fermented veggies as part of your new diet. Good examples to start with are sauerkraut and kimchi. These can be easily kept in the fridge or a cool cupboard for storage.

3. Find some organic (or preferably raw) fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir.

4. Buy some fresh or frozen berries for easy incorporation into meals or snacks.

5. Buy some chicory coffee or herbal teas like dandelion root, burdock root, and nettle leaf.

6. Make sure to have plenty of spices and herbs at hand for cooking and food preparation.

7. If needed, purchase some healthy sugar alternatives to have on hand for use as desired.