Now that you have been following the Anti-Fungal Diet for a few days, it’s time to introduce some probiotics.
You can find these ‘good bacteria’ in natural foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, as well as in many dietary supplements. Food sources of probiotic bacteria can be every bit as potent (and sometimes even more so) than supplements. Probiotic foods are especially helpful for Fungus Overgrowth sufferers. This is for three reasons.
1. They can provide you enormously rich amounts of beneficial bacteria. For instance, a typical serving of sauerkraut (the most potent probiotic food, when prepared properly) can easily provide over 100 billion probiotic ‘colony-forming units’ (CFUs).
2. Probiotic foods also provide other nutrients and probiotic metabolites that may help to quell fungus and pathogenic bacteria, supporting a better and healthier gut environment.
3. Probiotic foods also provide essential macronutrients like fiber, protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Equally, a high-quality probiotic supplement can also help tremendously, especially if you don’t have regular, daily access to these foods. All of these items have three important things in common -they replenish the healthy gut flora that lives in your intestines, support your immune system, and help to reverse your Fungus overgrowth.
Aside from the addition of probiotic foods, your diet should remain essentially the same as the Phase Two diet during this stage. You should also continue to take detox supplements like the molybdenum, charcoal, or glutathione. In fact, the only change you are making to your routine for Phase Three is adding the probiotic supplements and food. After a few more days of taking these, you will be ready to move on to Phase Four and introduce some antifungals.
We have created this ‘staggered’ approach for a very good reason. Probiotics, antifungals, and dietary changes each have the potential to kill Fungus yeast cells and destabilize the Fungus colonies. Introducing them all simultaneously can lead to Fungus Die-Off. Spreading them a few days apart will greatly reduce the chance of this happening and make your life considerably easier during your treatment plan.